We have a full selection of the latest comic book titles and series. We carry DC, Marvel, IDW, Dark Horse and more.
Don't miss your favorite titles! Tell us what you like, and we'll have it ready for you when it comes in.
Mike's Comics and Games is your premier destination for comic books and graphic novels. We carry comic books from Marvel, DC, Dark Horse, IDW, and Image comics. We also carry a line of kid-friendly comics for younger readers.
We carry a selection of board games, collectible card games, role-playing games, miniature games and paints. We also provide a space to play games.
We host weekly events for Magic, One Piece, Digimon and Union Arena. In addition to the weekly events, we host prereleases and other in-store tournaments. Check the calendar for upcoming events.
On the third Saturday of each month, we host Game Day. This is a family-friendly event where games hit the table into the wee hours of the morning. Come on out and play some games and make new friends.
We have a full selection of the latest comic book titles and series. We carry DC, Marvel, IDW, Dark Horse and more.
Don't miss your favorite titles! Tell us what you like, and we'll have it ready for you when it comes in.